Posts from May 2021

E-scooter trial to begin next month
Written by David Withers, Personal Injury Partner& Kelly Lingard, Personal Injury Solicitor In London, electric scooter trials will begin...
Compulsory Insurance Law to change
Written by David Withers, Personal Injury Partner The Government recently announced its intention to seek to change the law governing...
Dementia Action Week – Capacity and Private Wealth
By Nicola Bushby, Partner, and Katherine Reed, Solicitor in our Will, Trust & Estate Disputes team at Irwin Mitchell Dementia Action Week...
Dementia and Care Fees - Pitfalls of not planning properly with property
By Stewart Stretton-Hill, Tax, Trust & Estate Senior Associate at Irwin Mitchell Dementia is not a natural part of ageing but 1 in 14...
'Common law marriage’ myth: It’s time for cohabiting couples to protect themselves financially
By Emily-Jo Moore, trainee solicitor at Irwin Mitchell As a result of changes in society and greater freedom of choice as to how we...
Divorce and dementia: A spotlight on the issue for Dementia Action Week
By Sarah Balfour, Family Law partner at Irwin Mitchell The latest figures suggest that there are around about 850,000 people living with...
Akhmedova v Akhmedov: Concealing assets in family proceedings will not be tolerated
By Emily-Jo Moore, trainee solicitor in the Family Law team Following landmark Supreme Court rulings in Sharland v Sharland and Gohil v...
The High Court considers expert duties and conflicts of interest
Written by Katy Clarke, Solicitor, Public Law & Human Rights The duties of experts, and the topic of conflicts of interest, have recently...
Retirement planning tips for the employed and self-employed
When it comes to retirement planning generally the earlier you start the easier it is to get into good savings habits, little and often...
The risk of stroke after brain injury
Written by David Withers, Personal Injury Partner The University of Birmingham have recently published their review into the likelihood...