Posts from September 2019

Supreme consequences for family law?
The Supreme Court decision yesterday has, understandably received extensive and prominent coverage and, it's fair to say, has been...
Mental Health Should Be At Forefront Of Family Law Children Cases, Lawyers Urge
Fundamental changes are needed in the family courts in order to prioritise mental health in children and parents, with lawyers urging...
Later Life Marriages Bucking Trend In Latest ONS Stats
Older generations are continuing to get married and defy a decline in marriage rates, according to new statistics. The research,...
Son Of Nurse Fails In Claim For Biggest Inheritance Share
The son of a former nurse lost a three-year battle with his siblings this week over his mother’s will after trying to secure the biggest...
FTT rejects HMRC’s view (and supports IM) on Entrepreneurs’ Relief for trustees
Our article published here in June discussed the key requirements for Entrepreneurs’ Relief (ER) where trusts are concerned and HMRC’s...
Changes to Main Residence Relief and Lettings Relief
Anyone with more than one home who sells a property after 5 April 2020 is likely to have more tax to pay than if it were sold on or...
Donor conception for single mothers
The NHS commissioners for South East London were forced to apologise recently after it emerged that the organisation’s IVF treatment...
Are we signing everything away electronically?
The Law Commission has yesterday confirmed that electronic signatures can be used to execute documents, even where there is legislation...
Home loans causing family rifts
The "Bank of Mum and Dad" is currently Britain's tenth biggest lender with loans totalling £6.3bn, according to an article in The Times...