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Posts from February 2023

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Elspeth Gray

I Killed My Wife; Do I Still Get My Share Of Her Estate?

The general rule in England and Wales is that upon the death of your husband or wife (if they pre-decease you) their estate will pass in...

Nicola Midgley

Planning For Capital Gains In The Light Of Upcoming Cuts To Annual Exempt Amounts

After four Chancellors in a year and myriad of U-turns in tax policy, you could be forgiven for missing that the Finance Act 2023...

Emily Wentworth

Presley Estate Dispute: an English Law Perspective

Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of singer Elvis Presley, died earlier this year at the age of 54. Lisa Marie inherited money from her...

Richard Smaller

Executor Charging Clauses – Common Pitfalls

This article was cowritten with Holly Challenger (Parklane Plowden Chambers). Being an executor or trustee is a thankless task. Full...

Hannah Braisted

Surrogacy And Consent – When Things Go Wrong

Surrogacy is increasingly becoming recognised as a viable pathway to parenthood, but what exactly is a surrogacy arrangement and how does...

Danni Brannon

Burial Disputes: The Current Law And How It May Change

The Law Commission have recently announced, in December 2022, that “the rules and regulations that cover the disposal of a person’s body...

Nicola Hawkins

High Risk Half-Term Activities: Considering the issue of Capacity, Wills and LPAs

With half-term week approaching, we can expect to see many people attempting to banish those January blues by taking a well-earned...

Lynne Johnson

Don’t Delay When Bringing A Probate Claim: McElroy v McElroy [2023] EWHC 109 (Ch)

This recent case considers circumstances in which a delayed probate action may be challenged. In this case, the Claimant (the Deceased’s...

Nicola Hawkins

An Inheritance Tax Lesson From Dot Cotton

It is many years since I have watched Eastenders but I understand this week, the character Sonia Fowler received a £196,000 inheritance...

Connie Smith

Spousal Maintenance And The Cost-Of-Living Crisis

With inflation at a 40 year high, the cost-of-living crisis is impacting families everywhere. As experienced family lawyers, we know that...