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Irwin Mitchell

Reducing the risk of dementia - help from Alzheimers Research

Dementia is a disease many don't want to think about. Some helpful info from Alzheimers Research, with a new free guide, worth seeing. A...

Irwin Mitchell

Treasury flags up further attacks on personal service companies

This is apparently likely to be in the Autumn Statement on 25 November.

Irwin Mitchell

Is it the end of the personal service company

The effect of the proposed changes could mean that an individual working through a personal service company will have to be remunerated...

Irwin Mitchell

Gift Aid's 25th birthday - great for tax-effective giving

Gift Aid offers many opportunities for giving to charity, tax effectively. The options of giving shares or land, saving CGT on gains, as...

Irwin Mitchell

Property ownership - nefarious tax evasion or common sense?

Owning UK property through offshore companies and trusts is not new and, until recently, has not been particularly news worthy. However,...

Irwin Mitchell

Description of asset leads to will dispute

Guthrie v Morel, 2015 EWHC 3172 Ch concerned a legacy of a property referred to as ’87 Loma del Rey’, left by the deceased Brian Morel to...

Irwin Mitchell

Charities battle potentially invalid will

Marie Curie Cancer Care, The Royal Institute of Cancer Care and The Royal National Institutes of Blind and Deaf People are currently...

Irwin Mitchell

Funeral Rites...

A recent case before the High Court has highlighted how difficult the sensitive issue of funeral arrangements can be for those left...

Irwin Mitchell

Inheritance claims by a cohabitee

A recent statistic released by the Office for National Statistics shows that the number of cohabiting couples with children has increased...

Irwin Mitchell

Cohabitees on the Rise but Misconceptions Remain

The Office of National Statistics have published data which confirms that cohabitee relationships are on the rise. These relationships...

Irwin Mitchell

Continued Rise of the Silver Splitters

Divorce rates continue to rise among the over 50's, contrary to the norm. With people living longer, living more active lives and...

Irwin Mitchell

Spouses and civil partners can inherit the ISA pot

150,000 married ISA savers die every year. Under old rules, their ISA wrapper and the tax advantages ceased on death. Since 6 April...

Irwin Mitchell

HMRC continue to fail the taxpayer!

Following hot on the heals of HMRC's continued failure to answer telephone calls quickly or at all it has emerged that HMRC is taking...

Irwin Mitchell

Documents rectified by court following mistake by advisor

A helpful judgment summarizing the circumstances where documents can be rectified to give effect to the parties intentions following a...

Irwin Mitchell

Mental health crisis?

Mental health is not always taken as seriously as it should and the term crisis is unfortunately correctly used. However there is way...

Irwin Mitchell

Jewish Court names and shames man for refusing to give his wife a Get

In an unusual step, the London beth din has decided to name and shame a Jewish man for refusing to grant his wife a Get for the last 15...

Irwin Mitchell

BVI requires compulsory register of directors

As of 1 January 2016, beneficial ownership information of BVI companies will be required to be held within the BVI and relevant...

Irwin Mitchell

Capital gains tax is the fast growing tax

HMRC's capital gains tax take has risen 43 percent in the last year. Why? Well, the increase is due to property and shares increasing...

Irwin Mitchell

Window of opportunity to maximise pension relief

George Osborne's decision to review pension reliefs early next year gives a few more months in which to ensure that you have claimed the...

Irwin Mitchell

HMRC wins the Rangers tax appeal!

The Court of Session has confirmed that HMRC has won the case against Rangers football club. The court has confirmed that payments in to...

Irwin Mitchell

Rangers lose at home.

Rangers lose their latest appeal on the improper use of EBTs. I can not imagine it was a shock result. HMRC are never happier than when...

Irwin Mitchell

Premier-league footballer successful in halving £60k p.a. child maintenance

The case of Re TW and TM (Minors) [2015] EWHC 3054 (Fam)is an appeal by the father against child maintenance orders made under Schedule 1...

Irwin Mitchell

Changes to buy-to-let mortgages

From 21 March 2016 new rules will regulate buy-to-let mortgages. There will be two types of buy-to-let borrowers - consumer and...

Irwin Mitchell

Do you have a Will?

Why make a Will? Research shows that less than one third of adults have made Wills and one in six Wills are out of date. If you do...

Irwin Mitchell

Justice Mostyn attacks 'abysmal' litigant in person

In the recent case of Veluppillai v Veluppillai [2015] EWHC 3095 (Fam) the husband, a litigant in person, was heavily criticised for...

Irwin Mitchell

Number of Will Disputes Increasing.

The increasing number of post-death disputes is not due to a change in the law but as a result of our changing demographic and social...

Irwin Mitchell

Coping when your parents divorce in your 20's

This is a heart-felt article by a journalist that went through the divorce of her parents at age 21. She found the emotional fall-out...

Irwin Mitchell

Californian family law vs English/ Welsh family law

This is an interesting article contrasting the two very different family law jurisdictions and how they compare. Some key differences:...

Irwin Mitchell

Proposed restriction on corporate interest relief

HMRC has published a consultation on the restriction of corporate interest which is due to close on 14 January 2016. This initiative was...

Irwin Mitchell

Take advice when making lifetime gifts

This article highlights the importance of taking advice before making lifetime gifts. The order in which you make the gifts can affect...