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Irwin Mitchell

To EU or not EU?

Today we've seen David Cameron's four objectives for change mocked as "thin gruel" whilst recognised by some EU counterparts as "largely...

Irwin Mitchell

When is "banter" discriminatory?

To pass any homophobic or racist comments off as banter seems completely out of touch with most people's views of such behaviour. But...

Nicola Gooch

Government Figures show 25% Increase in New Build Housing

DCLG has today released figures demonstrating that the number of new homes in the UK has risen by 25% over the last 12 months. The...

Irwin Mitchell

Employees and crime. Between a rock and a hard place?

Football tends to operate by different rules to the rest of the business world. The level of pay, the fines, the lengthy fixed term...

Irwin Mitchell

Part-time workers, holiday pay and changing hours; the nightmare continues

Actually, this most recent case is a helpful guide for what to do when a part-time employee increases their hours part way through the...

Irwin Mitchell

Racial profiling and social media; a toxic mix for a global brand

Racial profiling is suspecting a person of certain behaviour based on stereotypes about their race, for example, bodily searching devout...

Irwin Mitchell

Mortgage Loans and the ageing of the Punk Generation

The Punk Generation were recently described in the financial press as entering the "last time buyer" stage of their lives. Now the FCA,...

Irwin Mitchell

Proposals to extend HMO licensing could hit student housing

The Government has published a technical discussion document intending to extend the scope of mandatory HMO licensing. At the moment, if...

Irwin Mitchell

3m people spend 2 hours commuting; is there a way to do it happily?

Well, like most things, it all depends. On the mode of transport, whether you get a seat, and most importantly your state of mind. ...

Irwin Mitchell

Racial harassment in the workplace is still today's problem

One of the aspects I love about my job as an employment lawyer is the variety each day brings. Every time I think I have finally seen...

Irwin Mitchell

Be consistent unless conduct is different

The recent EAT decision in MBNA Limited v Jones highlights the importance of consistency of treatment when dealing with disciplinaries,...

Irwin Mitchell

Are you as ready for Black Friday as your staff will be?

Black Friday has become the biggest shopping day of the year and so retail businesses will be preparing for the massive crowds of...

Irwin Mitchell

Have you ever wondered how to dress for success?

Is business dress a thing of the past? Does it depend on whether you are meeting a tech entrepreneur or an accountant? Is a tie ever...

Nicola Gooch

"Hay Bale Castle" developer to demolish house or face jail

After seven years of battling, it looks as if the case of the "hidden castle" has now finally been resolved. Mr Fidler was given a three...

Irwin Mitchell

Public Law Project: The Value and Effects of Judicial Review

Last month, the Public Law Project published its weighty research paper on Judicial Review. It won't come of much of a surprise to those...

Irwin Mitchell

80% of tenants don't want longer fixed tenancies

There is a political push from some quarters to give more certainty to tenants in the private rented sector by having compulsory 2- 3...

Irwin Mitchell

Bank of America Merryl Lynch says Artificial Intelligence will wipe out jobs

This prediction is one of many, and as Charles Darwin said: it's not the weakest that die out but those that fail to adapt. My advice is...

Irwin Mitchell

Be a man!

It seems that the top tip for women in getting equal pay is to be a man.

Irwin Mitchell

Spending Review: Old Prisons to be replaced and make way for housing

The government has announced that a number of existing prisons will be replaced with new purpose built facilities freeing up valuable...

Irwin Mitchell

Negotiation of EU employment laws

Many of the UK's employment laws derive from Europe. Although some view these protections as overly burdensome for employers, it's...

Nicola Gooch

Court of Appeal to consider extent of Duty to Co-operate

The Court of Appeal has agreed to consider a judicial review of an Examining Inspector's decision that Central Bedfordshire Council had...

Irwin Mitchell

My theme for this week is AI

Honestly, I'm not on a rant, this stuff is real. We need to be creative to survive. Creativity will distinguish us from robots and...

Irwin Mitchell

Killing the goose that laid the golden egg?

The conflict between the current law and new business models such as Uber is a theme I have returned to many times but this is because...

Irwin Mitchell

Pensions, Pooling and Infrastructure

Investment and Pensions in Europe has an interesting article in their November issue on the pressures on UK Local Government Pension...

Irwin Mitchell

Penalty Clauses - are they enforceable?

The Supreme Court has considered two appeals relating to whether certain contractual clauses were unenforceable penalties.It was argued...

Nicola Gooch

Autumn Spending Review: Pledges from the Chancellor and Rumours from the Financial Times

A bit like Christmas, preparations for the Autumn Spending Review seen to come around earlier each year. The results of the Spending...

Irwin Mitchell

Workplace safety in a dangerous world

Whether it's terrorist threats or the growing prevalence of stress and depression at work, businesses have to be on top of the risks to...

Irwin Mitchell

Tackling intimidation of non-striking workers

In July this year, BIS published a consultation on tackling intimidation of non-striking workers. This week BIS published the...

Irwin Mitchell

We're all doomed...

Robots on factory lines is one thing, but a robot doing my job, or yours is a lot more scary. The only chink of light is that different...

Irwin Mitchell

The reason why "Someone out there likes our real estate"

Last week, I posted a comment on predictions posted by Savills about investment in UK real estate. Now, Legal & General are talking about...