Posts from February 2018
A Reminder to be Reasonable: Yet another judgment stressing the importance of reasoned decision-making
It is not exactly news that 'reasons' challenges against planning permissions have become fashionable again of late - in fact we had a...
23/02/18Animals in residential properties - a pet hate?
The Times (from behind a paywall) have reported on a proposal by Labour to oblige residential landlords to allow tenants to keep pets,...
22/02/18Restrictive Covenants - Building Scheme
In the recent case of Khoury and another v Kensell heard on 9 February, the court found that there was insufficient evidence of an...
22/02/18Supreme court begins hearing plumber's employment case
It has always been difficult to correctly determine the employment status of some individuals, particularly those engaged under self...
21/02/18UK bosses believe women should tell them at interview if they are pregnant
A YouGov survey of 1,106 senior decision-makers revealed that a third of those working for private companies thought it was reasonable to...
21/02/18Land-Banking: The Myth that will not Die?
Anyone reading the papers today will have spotted reports about the Local Government Association's latest research, which is being used...
16/02/18CIL Appeal Decision: Failing to discharge pre-commencement conditions will not avoid CIL Liability
It is an age old proverb that that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. A proverb which can feel depressingly apt when...
12/02/18Use it (quickly) or lose it
A white paper is expected shortly proposing changes to "value capture" and rules on implementation of planning permissions. The...
06/02/18Labour sees no value in "Hope": plans to change CPO rules to make landowners sell to the state at less than market value.
At the bottom of this post is a link to a Guardian Article which I recommend you read. In fact don't just read it, print it out and pass...