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Posts from June 2016

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Nicola Gooch

Planning in (and for) the Aftermath of the EU Referendum

Regardless of your views about last week's vote, it is fair to say that the result has made everything seem more complicated and less...

Nicola Gooch

DCLG needs you... to build a Garden Village.

DCLG has issued a prospectus setting out how they can support local areas in the delivery of new housing. They are seeking expressions of...

Irwin Mitchell

What do Lenders know? Debt finance for Property.

Interestingly, two sources seem to show a slowdown in traditional debt finance for Property. First, Saving Stream reports that Bank...

Irwin Mitchell

Government publishes proposals for revised Electronic Communications Code- Landlords beware!

Last month the Government published proposals for a revised electronic communications code.  The key points that Landlords should be...

Nicola Gooch

Planning: A New Era of Government Intervention?

The 2010 election of the coalition government was, in hindsight, a significant moment for the planning system. Over the parliament that...

Irwin Mitchell

Ignoring polite notices counts as force under English law

In a reassuring vindication of British values the Court of Appeal has confirmed that ignoring a clearly worded, clearly visible sign is...

Nicola Gooch

CIL Review Panel Report likely to be published after the referendum

There is little point in hiding the fact that I have 'robust' views about the Community Infrastructure Levy. Having spent the last few...

Nicola Gooch

"Brand New": Thomas Eggar becomes Irwin Mitchell

In December 2015, Thomas Eggar LLP and Irwin Mitchell LLP joined forces, in a merger which has moved our planning team from a regional...