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Posts from January 2019

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Joanne Moseley

When should you involve occupational health?

The decision of the Employment Appeals Tribunal in the case of  Lamb v The Garrard Academy reminds organisations that if they don't refer...

Joanne Moseley

Should redundancy protection be improved for pregnant women and new parents?

Under UK law, women on maternity leave and parents on shared parental leave or adoption leave who are selected for redundancy have the...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and State Aid

The voluminous  draft State Aid (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 ("the State Aid Regulations"), running to some 77 pages, were published...

Elizabeth Thomson

Landlords of multi-let properties beware

Real estate solicitor, Safeena Ali, reviews a recent case on the effect of an enforcement covenant in a lease. Following the decision of...

Joanne Moseley

No-deal Brexit: EU citizens entering UK after 29 March 2019 will need leave to remain

Yesterday the government announced that in the event the UK leaves the EU without a deal, it will seek to end free movement on 30 March...

Nicola Gooch

EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE: Planning Enforcement officers take on a Dalek, and a Pub, for breaching Listed Building rules

The news cycle is a bit depressing at the moment, so this week we are revisiting the war that planning enforcement officers appear to be...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and applicable laws and jurisdiction and enforcement in civil and commercial matters

The implications of any "no deal" Brexit  for the governing laws of contracts and for the jurisdiction of courts and the enforcement of...

Stephanie Reeves

Does what happens in the board room, stay in the board room?

Internal communications concerning a dispute, even those relating to settlement, will not automatically be covered by litigation...

Irwin Mitchell

When is a Nursery a School, a School a Nursery and a Nursery-School?

Nurseries are not the same as schools under planning legislation, the High Court has decided, but the whilst the headlines reference the...

Joanne Moseley

Gender pay gap reporting: What will you say if your figures haven't improved?

The deadline for reporting your gender pay gap for 2018 is fast approaching. Public sector employers have to publish by 30 March 2019 and...

Joanne Moseley

SEN update for schools and colleges

There have been a number of important decisions regarding children with Special Educational Needs "SEN" likely to be of interest to...

Joanne Moseley

Campaign to stop employers using NDAs to "cover up" pregnancy and maternity discrimination

The campaign group Pregnant Then Screwed has launched a campaign to persuade the government to stop companies using non disclosure...

Nicola Gooch

The Famous Five: A quick(ish) recap of case law on the operation of the Community Infrastructure Levy

In the last eight weeks, the number of reported cases on the operation of the Community Infrastructure Levy has almost doubled....

Irwin Mitchell

"Brexit" and some preparations for a "no deal" scenario - thoughts on a little bit of proposed companies legislation

Amidst all the hype and frenzy of the current parliamentary "Brexit" farrago, it is worth remembering that somewhere quietly in the...

Joanne Moseley

Is this sexual harassment?

That's the title of a social experiment aired by the BBC earlier this week which invited a group of 20 people aged 18-30 to discuss...

Irwin Mitchell

Have your cake and eat it too?

By Rob Coleridge and Amelia Darbro The 1991 McVitie’s case is known by cake fanatics, lawyers and philosophers alike, as it answered the...

Joanne Moseley

Do your job ads say you are "happy to talk about flexibility"?

No? Well, the Flexible Working Task Force, a partnership across government departments, business groups, trade unions and charities,...

Nicola Gooch

Keep Calm and Keep on Building: Can Malthouse deliver on his 'Moral Mission' to build 300,000 homes a year?

If you missed Kit Malthouse's interview in the Times, earlier this month, I recommend tracking it down (or clicking the link at the...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the "meaningful vote"

The "meaningful vote" of Parliament on the final draft of the European Union (Withdrawal) Agreement negotiated by the  UK Government with...

Irwin Mitchell

"Referendums" in the air?

It is that time of year when some folk appear to want to go on Referendums as a way of solving difficult problems. "Brexit"  certainly...

Joanne Moseley

Employment changes 2019: Guide for businesses

Despite Brexit dominating the legislative agenda, there are a number of important changes taking place this year that businesses should...

Irwin Mitchell

UK tech investment in 2018 continued to power ahead

There doesn't appear to have been any slow down in tech investment during the course of 2018, with Q4 2018 ending a record year for the...

Nicola Gooch

NICE work if you can get it: Planning policies should promote physical activity says public health organisation

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (which has the rather wonderful acronym 'NICE') is known to most of us as the body...

Irwin Mitchell

ET judgments must stay online

A feature of the employment tribunal system often overlooked by both sides is the publication of tribunal judgments online. Since...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the "in-flight" financial services legislation

"Brexit" is not short on buzz-words and a new one has been spawned by the Financial Services (Implementation of Legislation) Bill...

Joanne Moseley

Are employees entitled to a written statement if they work for less than two months?

That was the question the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) had to decide in Stefanko and others v Maritime Hotel Ltd. All employees who...

Irwin Mitchell

Can Localism save your High Street?

The last Thursday before Christmas saw a flurry of activity from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)...

Joanne Moseley

Employment legislation tracker 2019: Public Sector

Despite Brexit dominating the legislative agenda, there are a number of important changes taking place this year that schools and...