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Posts from October 2022

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Elizabeth Mutter

An introduction to... Section 106 Agreements

Sometimes, in order to make a development acceptable in planning terms, a local planning authority require a developer to enter into...

Joanne Moseley

Pregnant women and new parents to get added protection against being made redundant

Pregnant women and new parents will receive greater protection from being made redundant under new proposed legislation. The Protection...

Joanne Moseley

Do you need to introduce an IVF policy?

It is estimated that 3.5 million people in the UK have problems conceiving. National fertility awareness week, which runs from 31 October...

Nicola Gooch

Deja Gove: The Original Secretary of State for Levelling- Up returns to DLUHC

We are probably all familiar with the idea of the circular economy. Well, yesterday evening, Prime Minister Sunak introduced the UK to...

Joanne Moseley

Strikes: government set to introduce minimum transport service levels to ensure people can get to work and children to school

According to the Guardian newspaper, trade union leaders are considering organising a wave of synchronised strikes this winter in an...

Nicola Gooch

All that's left is LURB.... The Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill comes out of Committee

Well, I think it is fair to say that this last week has certainly been... dramatic....   In the midst of all of the chaos, drama, and...

Jill Crawford

Net Zero strategy - another u-turn?

Despite seeking permission to appeal the High Court ruling of July 2022 (R (Friends of the Earth) v SSBEIS [2022] EWHC 1841 (Admin).)...

Joanne Moseley

Menopause: new report urges NHS to provide health checks for women

Today (18 October) is World Menopause Day. It's designed to raise awareness of the menopause and to support options to improve the health...

Joanne Moseley

Government cancels its cancellation of IR35 off payroll rules

Less than a month ago, the government announced that it would repeal the IR35 off payroll rules from the start of the new tax year in...

Joanne Moseley

Acas publishes new guidance on staff suspensions

Acas have recently published new guidance to help employers understand when it's appropriate to suspend an employee.  It recommends...

Nicola Gooch

Delay, Poor Decisions and Under Resourcing: The un-acknowledged cost of planning reform.

If you are to believe the national press we are only a week away from the next great Planning Reform Day. According to The Guardian on 19...

Joanne Moseley

Can employers insist that staff use other people's preferred pronouns?

It's becoming more common for workers to announce their pronouns. Some wear badges advising customers how they prefer to be addressed and...

Stefano DAmbrosio Nunez

What are the Investment Zones and what do they mean for the environment in the North West?

The governmental guidance “Investment Zones in England” describes Investment Zones as specific sites within a Mayoral Combined Authority...

Stefano DAmbrosio Nunez

A technical consultation on Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) that is not just “technical”

In late September, the window for providing comments to the government’s “Technical consultation on the biodiversity metric” was closed....

Liam Salt

Being alive to the warning signs is so crucial in a business crisis

As we head towards the end of 2022, companies across the country continue to struggle with the rising cost of doing business. A...

Jane Anderson

A costly outcome

The much publicised “Wagatha Christie” trial reached its conclusion in July 2022 when Rebekah Vardy lost her defamation claim against...

Mandeep Khroud

Right to Work checks have changed from 1 October 2022

On 30 March 2020, as part of the government’s response to COVID-19, the Home Office introduced temporary adjustments to the right to work...

Joanne Moseley

Keeping children safe in education: (some) clarity over extent of on-line checks

In June the government published new guidance on keeping children safe in education. It recommended that schools and colleges conduct...