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Posts from April 2020

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Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and a game of Tig and Tag

Enid Blyton, the famous children's writer,  wrote a short story about Tig and Tag, two quarrelsome goblins,who spent so much time...

Joanne Moseley

Supreme Court restores sanity to the scope of vicarious liability

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court handed down two important judgments which clarify how far an organisation can be made legally...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: Pensions Regulator eases up on compliance

At long last the Pensions Regulator has announced some further easements – relaxations that it will apply at least until 30 June 2020 in...

Joanne Moseley

Breaking: Furloughing staff - payroll date changes

The government has today updated its guidance on Coronavirus: The Job Retention Scheme for the fourth time.  The key thing to note is...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and new EU proposals and consultations that may impact on UK company law in the light of Covid-19 and climate change

The title to this blog is particularly wordy. The explanation is that urgent  Covid-19 and  separate environmental concerns have inspired...

Joanne Moseley

Latest pensions guidance from The Pensions Regulator on auto-enrolment compliance and the coronavirus

Last week, our pensions expert, Penny Cogher looked at the key issues employers need to be aware of when making pension contributions to...

Joanne Moseley

Furlough scheme - government updates guidance (again)

On Thursday 8 April, long after most of us had logged off for the Easter weekend, the government updated its guidance on the Coronavirus:...

Joanne Moseley

Government updates guidance on social distancing in the workplace

Last week, the government published new guidance on social distancing in workplaces that remain open during the Coronavirus pandemic. It...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Civil Procedure Rule Committee

The Civil Procedure Rule Committee was established under the Civil Procedure Act 1997 to make rules of court in England and Wales for the...

Irwin Mitchell

Chinese Walls Come Tumbling Down - A v B [2020] EWHC 809 (TCC)

It is well established that an expert acting in a dispute owes a duty to the tribunal to provide evidence that is impartial and...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the ozone Layer

Brexit has many faces and its environmental profile could be particularly significant. As a marker perhaps of this, on 7 April 2020 a...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and Anglo-French perspectives on Covid-19

A major theme for the new UK- EU relationship post-Brexit is what sort of civil society rights citizens and foreign nationals will enjoy...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the UK Financial Conduct Authority

On 7 April 2020, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published its Business Plan for 2020/21. Whilst much of the business plan...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and an €540bn EU financial rescue package for Coronavirus- hit EU member states

Late on 9 April 2020,  the Eurogroup of 19 Eurozone countries announced an EU - supported €540bn financial rescue package for countries...

Nicola Gooch

What's in the Easter Basket? a selection box of recent cases from the Planning Court

The sun is shining and we are on the verge of a Bank Holiday weekend. As I am feeling somewhat festive, we are taking a break from...

Joanne Moseley

FAQs: Furloughing agency staff

Many of our clients are concerned about what will happen to their agency workers during the lock down. We've answered the most frequently...

Joanne Moseley

Holiday and furlough ... the plot thickens

Last week we discussed the questions that remained unanswered regarding holiday and furlough. For those that missed it, the blog is...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus - rights of skilled workers volunteering to help emergency response

The Coronavirus Act 2020 sets out provisions allowing certain workers to take unpaid statutory emergency volunteering leave (“EVL”) to...

Joanne Moseley

Does the Coronavirus Act allow the government to change any laws relating to special educational needs?

On Monday 23 March, the Prime Minister imposed a lock down throughout the UK.  Schools and colleges and other providers were asked to...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and an article from the House of Lords Library

Brexit has not gone away, even though Covid-19 seems determined to chase it down the track and out of the public eye! On 7 April 2020,...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: the volunteer army

The NHS have asked for a volunteer army to help vulnerable people stay safe and well at home during the coronavirus pandemic.  The...

Joanne Moseley

Employment law changes in force from 6 April 2020

Coronavirus had dominated the headlines for the last few weeks and, unfortunately, looks set to stay there for the foreseeable future....

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: new safeguarding rules for schools and colleges

The Government has published new guidance on safeguarding during school closures which applies to all schools (including academies and...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and two small business grant funding schemes

Attention is drawn to the Small  Business Grant Fund (SMBGF) and the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF) set up for...

Joanne Moseley

Breaking: furlough scheme expected to open on 20 April

Representatives from HMRC have today told a Parliamentary Select Committee that the online portal being built to process the payments of...

Joanne Moseley

Pensions and furloughing - key issues for employers

Pensions expert, Penny Cogher takes a look at the issues employers need to be aware of when making pension contributions to furloughed...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and EU approval of UK Government State Aid packages in the era of coronavirus

The European Commission issued a press release on 6 April 2020, confirming that it had approved, under EU state aid rules, a £50 billion...

Joanne Moseley

Directors rights and responsibilities under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

On 4 April, the government published new guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS).  Up until then, there has been much...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: new guidance on right to work checks

Our immigration specialist Philip Barth explains how organisations can carry out right to work checks at a time when many workplaces are...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

On 2 April 2020, EIOPA , one of the EU's financial supervisory authorities, issued a press announcement urging insurance insurers and...