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Posts from January 2023

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Katie Wilkins

Mental health law reform: The Joint Committee’s report and what this could mean for individuals who are autistic or who have a learning disability

The Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) is in need of reform.  In 2018, there was an independent review of the MHA which examined the...

Richard Biggs

The 'new' Highway Code one year on. Do you know the key road safety changes? Take our quiz and find out

On 29 January, 2022, the Highway Code changed significantly but one year on, are motorists now familiar with the amendments, and in...

Lisa Martin

Eradicating asbestos for future generations - fix it before it breaks

You might think that after fully banning the use of asbestos in new buildings over two decades ago (Amosite & Crocidolite were banned in...

Peter Lorence

E-Scooters: Where are we 14.5 million journeys later and what more needs to be done increase awareness of the law and safety

I've read with interest the Department for Transport’s National evaluation of e-scooter trials findings report, which was recently...

Rebecca Tramaseur

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week: Campaign highlights the need to attend screening appointments and have HPV vaccine

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week takes place between 23 – 29 January 2023. This year the charity Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is launching...

Rachelle Mahapatra

The ongoing campaign to improve maternity services and support families as CQC survey finds care has deteriorated

The Care Quality Commission's Maternity Survey has reviewed the experiences of women and other pregnant people who had a live birth in...

David Withers

The dangers of driving on "autopilot"

A recent video has highlighted the dangers of inadvertently pushing the wrong pedal in your vehicle.  Many assume that serious injuries...

David Withers

What sport are you most likely to suffer a spinal cord injury in?

A recent study has been completed in China considering the trends for spinal cord injury in sport. There were 2,448 spinal cord injury...

Lucy Poulson

Rib fractures: the lesser-known risks

Rib fractures are often perceived as injuries that are, although initially painful, conservatively managed and heal relatively quickly in...

Paul Ramsay

Asbestos legacy in UK schools - a danger in plain sight

Asbestos, and its removal, is still a major issue in many public buildings across the UK. The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have...