Expert Lawyers Comment On Issues From Planning Simplification To Sustainability
Irwin Mitchell has issued its response to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government's ‘Planning for the Future’ white paper.
The 86-page document was published by the MHCLG on 6 August 2020 and sets out the proposed future direction of the English planning system.
Irwin Mitchel’s 5,000 word response to the consultation document can be viewed by clicking here and was produced following discussion with a number of clients.
Within the law firm’s response, Irwin Mitchell explain what it believes to be the top three priorities for local planning.
The team also provide view about whether local plans should be simplified and whether it thinks the government’s proposals for dedicated Growth, Renewal and Protect areas, are the correct way forward.
Irwin Mitchell also provide opinion on sustainability in relation to planning; the government’s proposals for streamlining the development management content of local plans; and whether neighbourhood plans should be retained in the reformed planning system.
Irwin Mitchell’s Planning and Environment team is nationally ranked in both the Legal 500 and Chambers.
It has a broad client base including national PLC housebuilders and SME housebuilders, as well more specialist providers of housing and those who work in and around the planning system including land promoters and funders.
The team includes lawyers who have worked in house in a local authority setting and is also instructed by LPA’s out-sourcing work.