Supporting World Sepsis Day By Raising Awareness Of Life-Threatening Condition
A Cambridgeshire man who underwent amputation of both legs after being diagnosed with sepsis is speaking out on how his life has changed “dramatically” since developing the condition.
Christopher Chapman, 34, from Chatteris, was admitted to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in August 2018 after sustaining a skull fracture when he was assaulted.
Five days after his admission to hospital, Christopher was found to have developed septic shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome which resulted in him needing surgery to amputate both legs below the knee.
Following the surgery, Christopher instructed specialist lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to help him access the support he requires to live his life as best he can.
To mark World Sepsis Day, Christopher is joining with his lawyers to raise awareness of the symptoms of sepsis and speak of his determination to make the most of life as he continues with his recovery.
Expert Opinion
“The past two years have been incredibly difficult for Christopher, having to go through the trauma of a double amputation.
While nothing will change what has happened to him, we will continue to support Christopher and his loved ones however we can. He has shown such bravery and determination throughout his recovery, and it is inspiring to see him live life as best he can despite the challenges he faces.
World Sepsis Day is the perfect opportunity to help make people aware of the symptoms of the condition.”
Gurpreet Lalli - Senior Associate Solicitor
Christopher was transferred from another hospital to Addenbrooke’s on 19 August, 2018, where he was being treated for skull and facial fractures. He was intubated and given intravenous antibiotics.
On 24 August, a CT scan was carried out and it was found that Christopher was suffering from septic shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Following the diagnosis, Christopher began to display evidence of early necrosis, which is described as the death of body tissue. Both his feet and finger tips were affected.
On 26 September, he underwent surgery for bilateral below knee amputations. He was discharged from the intensive care unit on 12 October, and left hospital on 20 December.
Christopher said: “The last couple of years have been the worst of my life. To have both my legs removed from below the knee was absolutely devastating and I am still struggling to come to terms with how dramatically different my life is now.
“There are so many things I used to enjoy that I can’t do in the same way now, but I am determined not to let that stop me from living life to the full, I just need to adapt things a little.
“While nothing will change what happened, I am so grateful for the support I have had from my family; I wouldn’t have got through this without them. I just hope that by supporting World Sepsis Day and sharing my story, it may help others to be aware of the signs of sepsis so they don’t have to going through the pain I have.”
Signs of sepsis include slurred speech, confusion, extreme shivering and muscle pain, passing no urine in a day, severe breathlessness and mottled or discoloured skin.
For more information visit www.sepsistrust.org
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