74-Year-Old Living With Mesothelioma
A former painter and decorator from Mirfield in West Yorkshire has made an emotional plea for information on his working conditions after he was diagnosed with an asbestos-related cancer.
Kenneth Beaumont, 74, is living with mesothelioma – a cancer of the lining of the lungs which is most commonly associated with asbestos exposure decades previously. He was diagnosed earlier this year.
Kenneth believes he was exposed to the hazardous substance during his time working for Raymond Law & Son based in Heckmondwike. He has now instructed specialist asbestos-related disease lawyers to investigate how he developed the disease and is appealing for his former workmates to come forward with information on when his exposure could have taken place. In particular, the legal experts are seeking details on the employer’s liability insurance.
Expert Opinion
“Employer’s liability insurance was a legal requirement from the early 1970’s in order to protect employees in the event of accident and illness. Even prior to this date, it is thought many companies did have polices of insurance but due to the lack of records that are kept it is practically impossible to identify insurers unless an insurer decides to come forward.
It would be helpful if anyone could please get in touch with us if you can shed any light on the employers liability insurance history or provide any information in relation to the working conditions that Kenneth would have endured during the relevant period.
Claims such as these illustrate the need for there to be a central register of employer’s liability insurers so that individuals diagnosed with terminal illnesses do not have to endure unnecessary and protracted investigations.
Kenneth was devastated to learn he was suffering from mesothelioma and we are determined to get him the answers he needs.”
Nicola Handley - Senior Associate Solicitor
Kenneth started working for Raymond Law & Son in 1964/65 as a painter and decorator and remained working for them until 1968/69. Kenneth recalls mainly working for West Riding Council at local schools in the Huddersfield and Heckmondwike area.
Whilst undertaking this work, Kenneth believes he was exposed to asbestos due to working in schools that contained asbestos. In particular, Kenneth can remember on one occasion actually working in a boiler room in a school in the vicinity of asbestos lagging on pipework and boilers, and disturbing the asbestos while undertaking his painting and decorating work.
Kenneth also remembers working for the clothing stores owned by Morrisons Associated Companies which also included Paiges, Jacks and Modelias in Yorkshire and also on a national basis in the years 1967 to 1980.
Kenneth recalls working in the vicinity of other tradesmen including joiners working with asbestos ceiling tiles.
When Kenneth received the diagnosis of mesothelioma it came as a great shock.
He said: “I had been quite fit and well up until the diagnosis and was enjoying my retirement and spending time with my wife after working hard throughout my employment history.
“It is awful to have been told I have asbestos cancer, and to learn that my work was most likely responsible for my exposure has left me devastated.
“Nothing will turn back time, but I would be grateful if I could get the answers I need to help me discover how I developed the illness.”
Anybody with relevant information should contact Nicola Handley at Irwin Mitchell on 0113 220 6233 or at Nicola.handley@irwinmitchell.com.
Find out more about Irwin Mitchell's expertise in handling asbestos-related disease cases