Northamptonshire Residents Have Urged The Council To Reconsider Its Decision To Close 21 Libraries
Specialist lawyers instructed by the family of a young girl have issued an application for a judicial review against Northamptonshire County Council, as they continue the fight to save 21 libraries marked for closure by the council.
Law firm Irwin Mitchell had previously written to Northamptonshire County Council both before and after its final decision was made at the end of February, urging it not to close the libraries, or potentially face a judicial review in the High Court.
The council announced its final decision to close the 21 libraries in February, as part of a cost cutting exercise. The council anticipates that closing the libraries will reduce council expenditure.
The local authority has not agreed to review or revise its decision and therefore judicial review proceedings were issued at the High Court in London on 29 March 2018.
Caroline Barrett, a specialist lawyer for Irwin Mitchell representing the family, which cannot be named for legal reasons, said:
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“We have been instructed to act on behalf of a minor and their family as they seek to challenge Northamptonshire County Council’s decision to shut 21 libraries across the county.
“Many people using the library services are children, or are elderly, disabled, or from low income households and they may struggle to access the library provision in larger towns.
“These cuts are extensive and our client is concerned that this will have a very significant impact upon their ability to access a library service and the impact on local residents, many of whom live in rural areas. Our clients believe that, if implemented, these cuts will have a huge detrimental impact on the local community in Northamptonshire.
“We have lodged an application with the High Court for a judicial review and an urgent hearing. Our client considers that the council failed to carry out a lawful public consultation into the proposals and has not conducted a full and lawful assessment of how vulnerable people will be affected.
“Further, the council has not considered how to promote and safeguard the welfare of local children, has not taken into account various factors that should have impacted upon its decision, and has failed to comply with its duty to ensure there is a comprehensive library service in the county. All councils must comply with this duty, and our client considers that a closure of over half the county’s libraries will not result in a comprehensive library service.” Caroline Barrett - Senior Associate Solicitor
The council’s decision has already received widespread criticism. In March, the Government’s culture secretary Matt Hancock announced he was considering an inquiry into the decision following a complaint from Cilip, the leading professional body for librarians.
According to Cilip, the council’s plan would leave the county with 15 libraries, eight large and seven medium branches. This would equate to one library for every 60,000 residents, which is significantly greater than the European average of one library for every 16,000 residents.
The family that is being represented by Irwin Mitchell make extensive use of one of the 21 libraries set to close, attending playgroups and children’s centre activities.
The minor’s mother and litigation friend, said: “These cuts are not fair. They will have a devastating impact on families like ourselves, but also on the most vulnerable people within our community.
“The libraries offer us so much more than just books. They offer residents access to the relevant district council’s one-stop shop, blue badge and bus pass renewal, children’s services and plenty more services that residents rely on.
“I appreciate the council is in a difficult financial position but I do not think the impact of these cuts have been properly considered by the council, and the effect that this will have on local communities.”
Read more about Irwin Mitchell's expertise in Judicial Review cases.