What is your role and day-to-day function at Irwin Mitchell?
I am a Partner in our Intellectual Property (IP) and Media team and lead our London-based team.
Much of my work is focussed around risk and reputation management. I work closely with in-house teams, both small and large. I identify their key business risks and develop appropriate strategies to manage, and deal with, risk and crisis management.
The nature of our work and business of our clients is very internationally focussed.
I am a member of our firm's International Strategy group, and am responsible for our activities in – and arising out of – North America. I also help in-house teams locate appropriate counsel and professional advisors in other jurisdictions, as well as co-ordinating cross border advice, transactions and disputes.
How have you utilised any in-house experience to shape how you support in-house teams?
Our team has had the benefit of working in-house across a range of sectors, particularly in the consumer and retail sectors. This brings an extra dimension to both our team and our relationship with our in-house teams, as this personal experience gives us a real insight into what it is like to work in-house. We understand the various types of support that are important to in-house counsel and provide these. We’re very much an extension to an in-house team rather than an outsourced resource.
What are the big issues coming across your desk?
I'm increasingly dealing with issues involving cyber security and data breach. I help organisations to be cyber-ready and show them how to manage, and deal with, an incident or crisis.
If you could work in-house anywhere, where would it be and why?
The National Cyber Security Centre at GCHQ. I think it would be both fascinating and scary to have an insight into the broader risk presented by our online world and be at the frontline of cybersecurity issues on a worldwide stage.
Autumn 2018
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