Local Law Firm Says, Don’t Quit, Do It at BISF On 23 June
Volunteers from the Birmingham office of law firm Irwin Mitchell are set to swap briefcases for Boccia balls on Sunday 23 June, as part of the Birmingham Inclusive Sports Festival 2019 (BISF).
The event takes place at the University of Birmingham Sport and Fitness Centre, Edgbaston, from 11am to 3pm and is free to attend.
Irwin Mitchell is partnering the event and the business’ staff will be acting as volunteers on the day and providing Boccia taster sessions - a sport similar to bowls which is suited to people with disabilities.
Irwin Mitchell is backing BISF in conjunction with Don’t Quit, Do It, the firm’s campaign for raising awareness of disability sport. The initiative showcases the benefits of physical activity for all, including those who have suffered life changing injuries. 12 million people live with disabilities in the UK, yet only one in six regularly take part in sport – a fact Irwin Mitchell is keen to change.
Designed and delivered by people with disabilities or long-term health conditions, BISF brings families and carers together to raise awareness of sport, health and wellbeing. A free range of activities for all ages, abilities and backgrounds encourages trying something new.
Expert Opinion
“Every day we assist clients who are adapting to life changing injuries and illness and we see first-hand the benefits that sport provides in helping with their rehabilitation and recovery.
“We are proud to support BISF, an event that showcases the range of diverse sporting opportunities for all that a city like Birmingham provides. Boccia is a para-sport event and who knows, there may be a future medallist out there at BISF. We hope excitement surrounding the Commonwealth games in Birmingham in 2022 will also inspire people to come and see for themselves.”
Emma Rush - Partner
People can book free places by calling 0121 296 5190; email: info@aportbirmingham.org or by visiting Sport Birmingham’s inclusive sports festival page.