Boy Injured In Corfu
A mother from Sheffield has concluded a successful legal action on behalf of her four year old son after their family holiday in Corfu was ruined. Within hours of their arrival, her son stumbled against a glass patio door which shattered, causing him significant injuries.
Kirsten Jeffcock, 37, recovered £6,750 on behalf of her son after the family of four travelled to the all inclusive Ermones Beach Club Hotel, in Ermones, Corfu, during August 2004. They booked their holiday through Tour Operator Sunstar Leisure Limited on the internet.
On arrival to the hotel the family were particularly looking forward to a swim in the hotel pool, but while changing into his swimming trunks her son stumbled and fell shoulder first onto the glass patio door. The glass broke into huge shards causing a gaping wound on her son’s side and across his back.
Their son required immediate hospital treatment and a flight was arranged back to the UK where he received further hospital treatment for his injuries. Fortunately he has since made a good recovery from his injury although he still has some scarring.
Kirsten Jeffcock said: “I was very upset because my son could have died and I thought that he was going to be scarred for life.
"This accident could easily have been avoided. I am surprised that the glass in the patio door shattered so easily. We had to complain about the fact that the broken glass had not been properly cleared up when we returned from the hospital. We even had to arrange early return flights ourselves, since the tour representative appeared to be inexperienced in handling emergency situations.”
Jenny Brooks from the Travel Law Team at Irwin Mitchell Solicitors said: “Each year we act for clients who sustain injuries from accidents while abroad on holiday, which arise from poor safety standards. Had steps been taken to ensure that the glass in the patio door was of a safe standard, this accident would have been avoided."