Separation is difficult for the whole family to deal with, particularly teenagers. If you are parents of teenagers you will know it can be hard to talk to them at the best of times, but when their parents are separating, it can be even more challenging.
This past year has been particularly difficult for young people, with disruption to routines, home learning, being unable to go out with friends or see extended family. With everything they have experienced, being in such close proximity to parents who are separating and not getting along may feel even more difficult. Most teenagers will be feeling pressure from all angles, so it is important to ensure they feel safe, understood and calm.
I always encourage parents to make their children’s interests a priority when separating. Here are my top five tips for helping teenagers through this current time when they are also dealing with their parents’ separation.
5 tips for helping teenagers deal with divorcing parents
Encourage your child to have a good relationship with both parents. Teenagers may be angry towards you both when they are divorcing, and you should avoid blaming each other in front of your child. Make sure you allow your child to feel they can love both of you without worrying they are taking sides.
Be available for your teenager; listen when they ask to talk to you and encourage them to talk openly about their feelings about everything going on in their life. If they cannot speak to you, encourage them to talk to a grandparent or teacher if this is more comfortable for them.
Ensure the arrangements for where your teenager will live – and when they spend time with the other parent – are agreed and clear to everyone. Teenagers will value stability and routine during a stressful time. Any proposed change in living arrangements should always be discussed with the other parent, as well as your teenage son or daughter; and you should not make arrangements without involving them and seeking their agreement.
Make sure your teenager has their own space in both parents’ homes. If this is not possible, try to provide a quiet area to allow them to relax or study and make sure they have suitable equipment and books.
Seek expert support or advice if you are concerned about how your teenager is coping with your separation. This is particularly important if you are worried about their mental or physical wellbeing. At Silk Family Law we can help parents find therapists and counsellors for either the whole family, or for individuals. Mediation can also help parents who sometimes feel at odds with each other when it comes to trying to agree what is the best living arrangement for their children, by encouraging dialogue in a calm and neutral environment.
There are some useful online resources for both young people and parents. Here are a selection:
Resolution, the organisation representing 6,500 family law professionals, has useful information ranging from how to cope with the emotional side of parenting post-divorce, to practical tips on parenting apart. See
CAFCASS, the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, also offer an online parenting plan, which may assist parents in formulating and collating their agreed arrangements in writing. There is also lots of useful advice on the website
Relate, the relationship charity, offers counselling just for children and young people
Voices in the Middle is a website run by young people who have been affected by divorce – resources include powerful case studies and videos
Young Minds mental health charity has resources for both parents and children