Business Support

Every day at Irwin Mitchell is different, the feeling of helping our clients through difficult times is so rewarding.

Fay Punter, Client Experience Coach

You may never have thought about working at a law firm before. Which is fair enough if you’re not a lawyer.

But Irwin Mitchell isn’t just a law firm – it’s a sophisticated national business with over 2,500 employees and over £250m in yearly turnover.

A business like that doesn’t run itself. We have a range of talented business support teams with roles in:

  • IT
  • HR and training
  • Marketing and business development
  • Business administration
  • Operations
  • Research
  • Customer service
  • Accounting.

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Quality Work And Ambitious Projects

You’ll join large, experienced teams of real experts and be part of innovative projects to make Irwin Mitchell even better.

Our agile IT department explores the latest disruptive technologies like machine learning, AI, and cloud computing.

Sector-leading diversity initiatives from our HR team win awards from the likes of the Law Society and Citywealth.

A 5* Trustpilot rating is proof of excellent work by every client-facing employee, from call-handers to client liaisons.

Whatever your skills and whichever team you join, you’ll have the chance to excel. We’ll give you the support, training and development you need to get the most out of your career.

Not All Cufflinks and Pinstripes

You probably have an image in your head of what a law firm’s like.

That’s not us.

We’re a diverse, modern workforce. We’re relaxed, friendly and informal. We respect your work-life balance.

We dress for our day, not for the catwalk. If you’re at your desk all day, feel free to wear your comfy jeans and a t-shirt. Got a meeting with a supplier? Maybe a bit smarter today.

We know the 9-5 doesn’t work for everyone. Our flexible working policy means you can fit work around your life, not the other way around. So if you need to work part-time, work from home, or just start a little later in the morning, we’ll try to help you do it.

Still not convinced? Read about the great benefits you’ll get while working at Irwin Mitchell.

Do you want to be part of the team? View all business support vacancies

Awards & Accreditations

We're proud to have our hard work recognised by leading industry organisations, both as a law firm and as an employer.