On the final pages of every edition we’re going to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes across the UK who are making a real difference to so many lives.
Established in 1982 and originally known as the Kerland Foundation, Brainwave aims to help children with disabilities and additional needs to boost their independence.
The charity works with families to create a tailored Therapy Programme designed to meet their child’s needs and unlock their potential. Brainwave’s qualified therapists draw on their experience in a range of fields from physiotherapy and occupational therapy to speech and language therapy and learning development. They have three centres in Somerset, Essex and Cheshire, while also running satellite clinics in Scotland and London.
We’re pleased with our links to Brainwave and their fantastic work, with many of our younger clients receiving advice and support from their qualified therapists. Every child should be given the chance to reach their full potential and this organisation is working tirelessly to ensure that’s the case.
Hannah Jolley, a paediatric physiotherapist from Brainwave, discusses how she got involved with the charity and what her day-to-day work entails.
What made you decide to train as a therapist?
I suffered an injury while playing hockey and after 20 weeks of physiotherapy I became set on the idea. It wasn’t until about halfway through my degree that I thought about paediatrics and secured a placement at Brainwave. I loved the added challenge of trying to encourage the child to engage with the therapy by making it fun and playful.
Can you describe a typical session?
That’s difficult, as it varies so much. It depends on the child, the condition, their abilities and their willingness to cooperate with us on the day. Our role is to assist the child’s development by improving their gross and fine motor skills, balance, coordination and strength.
The exercises in the Therapy Programme aim to help the child to be more functional in day-to-day life, but our work is about more than just mobility. It’s known that physical exercises can also help with other areas including communication and educational goals.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of your work?
Seeing the difference that the therapy makes to the child’s abilities and confidence – allowing them to do more, helping them to reach milestones or achieve something they couldn’t previously do. Both the children and the parents come back so happy and proud of what they’ve achieved.
Turning Point – Winter 2019
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- Pedal Power
Specialist equipment helps Jacob achieve his cycling dream.
- I Am Able To Be Happy
World Cerebral Palsy Day is always an important time for us to reflect on what we can do to ensure those with the condition have the same opportunities as everyone else.
- Health and Happiness
A look at how we’ve made mental health part of our agenda.
- Making A Difference
Discover how we helped trainee doctor, Aoife, head off to provide vital neonatal support in Zambia.
- Enjoying Every Day
Jason’s determination helps him get the most from life after a devastating road collision.
- Getting It Right
Our new partnership with Birthrights is all about the improvement of maternity care in the UK.
- A Moving Tribute
The Police Unity Tour is an incredible event which we were pleased to support earlier this year.
- We Are With You
How we’re working with England Rugby to ensure our national heroes inspire the next generation.
- Going For Gold
The countdown is on for the Tokyo Paralympic Games.
- Creating History, Not Repeating It
Two decades on from the white asbestos ban, our experts are still working to help those affected.
- Life Support
How our Court of Protection team provides peace of mind for the future.
- Everyday Superheroes
Remarkable feats of bravery, unbelievable courage and triumph against the odds.
- Road To Recovery
One of our legal experts reveals all about serious injury work.
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