Table Tennis Table Loan From Local Law Firm Serves Up A Welcome Surprise
A man from Dorset living with a brain injury and struggling with the Covid-19 lockdown is now enjoying access to some of his favourite sports again, thanks to the local office of law firm Irwin Mitchell.
Pete Barrow, 58, suffered a serious brain injury in 2017 when he was knocked over whilst crossing the road.
When the Irwin Mitchell team heard Pete was struggling with the loss of his sporting activities in lockdown, they arranged for him to be loaned a Table Tennis table. Now, with a little help from his support team, he is able to continue to play one of the sports he loves.
Sport has played a vital role in Pete’s recovery, culminating in him and his sister Maggie joining the Irwin Mitchell teams taking part in the 2018 and 2019 Superhero Tri events in Windsor, as part of the firm’s Don’t Quit, Do it campaign, to raise awareness of the value of disability sports.
Over 13 million people in the UK live with a disability, yet only one in eight regularly take part in any sport, despite the proven physical and mental benefits. With lockdown making access for sport even harder, the team wanted to do what they could to help.
Expert Opinion
“Pete is a client of mine and I was told that his case manager had tried to purchase a Table Tennis table for him, but at the start of lockdown they became highly sort after and most retailers quickly sold out and none could be purchased anywhere.
“I knew we had one that wasn’t being used and so it made absolute sense to let Pete have the benefit of it. Pete is such a lovely man and having shown such a determination to overcome his injuries and not let them hold him back, it’s a pleasure to be able to loan him this Table Tennis table while he looks for a longer term solution.
“Many of us have felt the impact of lockdown in terms of the ability to exercise and play sports and this can be harder for Pete and others, for whom sport is a vital part of their rehabilitation.
“Pete is clearly putting the table through its paces and we hope to see him in sporting action once again, either on the Table Tennis table or as part of one of our teams at a future Superhero Tri.”
Claire Howard - Solicitor