Former Machinist Is Suffering From Mesothelioma
A former machinist from Great Yarmouth is appealing to her former workmates to come forward with information to help with an investigation after she was diagnosed with a terminal asbestos-related cancer.
Julie Jackman, who now lives in Bradwell, is suffering from mesothelioma – a cancer of the lining of the lungs most commonly associated with exposure to asbestos dust and fibres while working decades ago.
Julie, aged 62 years old, worked for a number of different employers, and following her diagnosis she instructed specialist asbestos-related disease lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate her illness and how she could have become exposed to the substance.
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“Julie and her family were devastated after she was diagnosed with mesothelioma. This is such a terrible disease that has affected the lives of so many people throughout the years.
In Julie’s case, she has worked for several employers where she could have been exposed to asbestos and we urge anyone to come forward that may have information that could assist with our investigation into finding out how she developed the disease.
While nothing can change what has happened, we are determined to get the answers Julie is looking for before it’s too late.”
Rosemary Giles - Partner
After leaving school at the age of 15, Julie worked as a bakery assistant, preparing scones and cakes, for Matthes in Gorleston from 1972 to 1973. She described the building as an old factory and believed it was likely that asbestos would have been present at that time.
Julie then went on to work for Johnson and Sons Limited in Great Yarmouth as a machinist between 1973 and 1976. She thought there were around 30 machinists in total and the other processes associated with preparation and manufacturing of garments were carried out in a separate room. She believes asbestos would inevitably have been present given the age of the building.
For a short while in 1976/1977, Julie was employed as a machinist by Yarmouth Stores, which had the same owner as Johnson and Sons Limited. Between 1977 and 1983, she worked for lingerie manufacturers Bejoss Limited doing overlocking work. She described both workplaces as factories and believed she may have been exposed to asbestos during her time there.
Julie, who is wife to Terence and mother to Jordan, first began to experience symptoms of mesothelioma in 2018 when she became increasingly short of breath. Following tests and fluid drained from her lung, she was sadly given the diagnosis.
She said: “It was devastating to find out I was suffering from mesothelioma, and it has had such a huge impact on my life.
“I struggle to do so many things that I used to love, and I know my family find it distressing to see me in pain.
“It was a shock to discover that this all could have been caused by exposure to asbestos where I worked and I am desperate for any former work colleagues to come forward so that I may get the answers I need.”
Anyone with any information that may assist with this case is asked to contact Rosemary Giles on 01223 791 810 or at Rosemary.Giles@IrwinMitchell.com.
Find out more about Irwin Mitchell's expertise in handling asbestos-related disease cases