Irwin Mitchell’s Charlotte Rees-John discusses Asda’s equal pay case on ITV News
The Head of Irwin Mitchell’s consumer services and goods sector team, Charlotte Rees-John, appeared on ITV's evening and 10pm News earlier this month.
Charlotte was discussing the long-running equal pay case involving Asda involving 55,000 shopworkers, who are predominately women, who receive less money than warehouse workers, who are typically men.
Although the tribunal is not due until next year, ITV reported on it following an email leak which suggested an independent expert had scored the lower paid shopfloor role higher than the warehouse job according to a range of factors including knowledge and responsibility.
Charlotte explained that the case, once decided, will have significant repercussions for not only other retailers but businesses in other sectors.
So why are the male roles paid between £1.50 and £3 more an hour?
That is the question Asda will have to answer if equal value is shown when the case comes to tribunal next year.
If they lose, they face a potentially huge compensation bill in a case that has major implications for the entire supermarket sector and retail more widely.”