I’m a qualified Costs Lawyer and Technical Specialist based mainly in our Sheffield office dealing with both the recovery of contentious legal costs and opposing claims for costs.
I have a particular interest in multi-party actions, having advised Claimant Steering Groups in the British Coal Respiratory, Vibration White Finger and Coke Oven Worker litigations. These are amongst the largest class actions to date in this country, as well as many other group actions arising from both illness and accidents around the globe.
Since the introduction of budgeting in 2013, I’ve been involved in preparing budgets, advising on budgeting issues and advocating at CCMC hearings on a regular basis. I also attend general costs application hearings, costs direction hearings and detailed assessment hearings.
I’m an accredited CLSB trainer and regularly deliver sessions on a broad range of costs related topics across Irwin Mitchell.
What Inspired You To Get Into Law?
The law was something that had always intrigued me and so I chose to study it at university. At the end of the course I started to look around at career options, I had always enjoyed working with numbers and so a Costs Lawyer position that combined both the law and figures seemed ideal.
What Is The Most Rewarding Aspect Of Your Role?
I enjoy being part of the wider personal injury team; we all have our specialities and when brought together, it means that I know the client is getting the best possible service on all fronts.
What Do You Like About Working At Irwin Mitchell?
I like working for a professional, forward looking firm where I truly believe the client comes first in all things and, on an individual level, where people can just be themselves.
Due to the diverse nature of the firm, I get to work on a wide variety of files and consequential costs issues, which in turn also means that I get to be involved at the forefront of an ever changing area of law.
What Do You Do Away From The Office?
A young family takes up most of my time away from the office, but as they have started to get older I’ve been able to re-kindle my love of sailing at a local reservoir. I’m also a keen supporter of the Sheffield Tigers speedway team.