I am a Court of Protection Paralegal and I oversee the daily management of Deputyship and Trust files, with a specialised focus on cases involving clients who have experienced traumatic brain injuries. I assist with legal matters concerning individuals who lack mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. This involves managing financing, liaising with clients, and ensuring their best interests are represented.
I have been at Irwin Mitchell since November 2022, starting as a Legal Administrative Assistant for all Personal Injury teams and have been a CoP Paralegal since July 2023.
Working as a Court of Protection Paralegal can be very rewarding, as we help vulnerable individuals who may not be able to advocate for themselves, ensuring they receive the care and support that they require. Seeing positive outcomes for my clients can be fulfilling, as our work makes a real difference in their lives.
We often work closely with clients, their families, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders to ensure that decisions are in their best interests. This can involve managing complex legal processes, and providing them with support and guidance throughout. The satisfaction comes from knowing that my efforts contribute to improving the quality of life for those who need it most.