


1. Select UK region 2. Select LEP or sub-region 3. Select local area

The CBI and Irwin Mitchell have partnered to produce an interactive map to help visualise the strengths and opportunities for each area of the UK.

To get started, click on the region of the UK you'd like to explore.

To help further refine your search, please select the LEP or sub-region you would like to know more about.

Please select the NUTS3 region you would like to see the scorecard for. These scorecards have been developed to provide you with the data you need to make decisions towards closing the UK's rising productivity gap.

1. Select a region or nation
2. Select an LEP or sub-region
3. Select a local area (NUTS3)

Our partnership with the CBI is part of a high-profile campaign aimed at reducing regional productivity differences, which has the potential to add £208bn to the UK's economy over the next decade. The CBI has been closely monitoring productivity and, using special access to ONS microdata, has determined the four main drivers of regional productivity differences across the UK. They are:

  • Educational attainment and skills of young people at 16
  • Transport links that widen access to labour
  • Better management practices
  • A higher proportion of firms that innovate and export

Using that data, explored in more depth in the CBI's Unlocking Regional Growth Report, we have created the interactive map above. In it we have divided and subdivided the UK into the NUTS1, LEP and NUTS3 economic regions, allowing you to precisely find the area you want and then see how it compares relative to the rest of the UK. The scorecards are here to provide you with the evidence-based priorities that are needed to help plug the "productivity gap" mentioned by the Chancellor in his autumn statement.


GVA per head - percentile

{{format.percent(data.lepSelected.productivityMin)}}{{format.superscript(data.lepSelected.productivityMin)}} {{format.percent(data.lepSelected.productivityMax)}}{{format.superscript(data.lepSelected.productivityMax)}}

GVA per hour - £

{{data.nut3Selected.GVAPerHour | number:2}}
{{format.delimitNumbers(data.lepSelected.gvaPerHourMin) | number:2}} {{format.delimitNumbers(data.lepSelected.gvaPerHourMax) | number:2}}
Productivity in {{data.nut3Selected.Name}} is in the {{format.percent(data.nut3Selected.Productivity)}}{{format.superscript(data.nut3Selected.Productivity)}} percentile for the UK, {{format.productivityText(data.nut3Selected.Productivity)}}.
Productivity in the {{data.lepSelected.Name}} LEP ranges between the {{format.percent(data.lepSelected.productivityMin)}}{{format.superscript(data.lepSelected.productivityMin)}} and {{format.percent(data.lepSelected.productivityMax)}}{{format.superscript(data.lepSelected.productivityMax)}} percentiles in the UK.
Productivity range of all NUTS3 areas in the UK.

Economic outcomes2

GVA per head - £

{{format.delimitNumbers(data.lepSelected.gvaPerHeadMin)}} {{format.delimitNumbers(data.lepSelected.gvaPerHeadMax)}}

Employment rate - %

{{format.sigFigPercent(data.lepSelected.employmentRateMin)}}{{format.percentSymbol(data.lepSelected.employmentRateMin)}} {{format.sigFigPercent(data.lepSelected.employmentRateMax)}}{{format.percentSymbol(data.lepSelected.employmentRateMin)}}

Participation rate - %

{{format.sigFigPercent(data.lepSelected.participationRateMin)}}{{format.percentSymbol(data.lepSelected.participationRateMin)}} {{format.sigFigPercent(data.lepSelected.participationRateMax)}}{{format.percentSymbol(data.lepSelected.participationRateMax)}}

Average hours worked per week

{{data.nut3Selected.AverageHoursWorked | number:1}}
{{format.delimitNumbers(data.lepSelected.averageHoursWorkedMin) | number:1}} {{format.delimitNumbers(data.lepSelected.averageHoursWorkedMax) | number:1}}

1 Outside England, special sub-regions have been created to capture economic ecosystems, approximating the geographical idea of the 39 LEPs in England.

2 Economic outcomes are plotted on an absolute scale showing the 5th - 95th percentile of NUTS3 areas in the UK. Productivity drivers are plotted on a percentile scale of all the NUTS3 areas in the UK.

Learn about the data underlying this tool »